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Message from Our President

Empowered Women Building Communities


I am President of Junior League North Little Rock (JLNLR) for the year 2022-2023. I am a lifelong resident of Arkansas. I attended Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, AR., and later the University of Central Arkansas in Conway where I obtained a Master of Science degree in Counseling Psychology. I have worked in the mental health field for over 25 years and I am licensed by the state of Arkansas as a Psychological Examiner.

I enjoy working with children and my hobbies include reading, shopping, running, traveling, and most of all spending time with my family. I am married and the mother of three sons. I joined the League in 2017.

My theme for the 2022-2023 League Year is “Empowered Women Building Communities. The League helped me to discover more about myself and I gained the confidence to lead others instead of following. The League empowered me and I want to empower other women to help them find their voice. As women, we are leaders in our families and in our communities and the change is upon us to lead the change we want to see in the world. As President, I will do my part to empower, support, guide and respect other women.

The League is celebrating almost 75 years of service to the NLR community. I am grateful and honored to be serving as president during this time. We welcome all women to join the Junior League of North Little Rock who are ready to lead and make an impact.

For more information about Junior League please contact [email protected] or [email protected].


Ericka N. Mays, MS, LPE-I,

2022-2023 President

Junior League of North Little Rock


The Junior League of North Little Rock is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

Let’s Connect!

For more information about community events, memberships, and more, contact the Junior League of North Little Rock today!